Marham is Pakistan’s largest health-tech platform. They raised seed investment of USD 1 million in 2021 and have to jump on to the rapid growth trajectory. The main challenges they were facing were:
1.High acquisition cost
2.Erratic growth with no control on KPIs
The requirement was to show consistent 10% growth month over month and they had a very haphazard pattern of 5-6% growth in one month and then a decline by 2% in the next month
Their Solution
The requirement was to show consistent 10% growth month over month and they had a very haphazard pattern of 5-6% growth in one month and then a decline by 2% in the next month. Key understanding that they were missing was that health is a need-based concern and there’s a need to shift focus towards pull marketing rather than 100% push. The revised strategy involved the following:
1.Paid Google Search to capture high intent audiences
2.More focus on SEO to be gain the top position in a universe of over 50,000 primary keywords around specialties, doctor names, disease names, hospital names, symptoms etc. Exclusions, for keywords where the brand was organically ranking 1st, were added to the Google Search campaign to avoid cannibalization
3.Catalog of more than 15,000 doctors was created through a dynamic feed of Marham App on Meta. We ran a catalog sales campaigns on Meta with the strategy to land people on the doctor’s profile on App. There was one campaign with funnel broken down at ad-set level and budget optimization at the campaign level.
4.The new users were being recruited to install the app and then taken to the doctor’s profile. There was also a UAC campaign running on Google for app installs